The Kissinger Academic Center for Excellence hosts regular Academic Success Skills Workshops. Topics include:

  • The Enneagram: The role of self-awareness in academic success
  • Emotional Intelligence and Academic Success
  • Time Management for Beginners
  • The Basic Skills of Reading, Note-Taking, and Test Preparation

The dates, times, and topics for these workshops can be found below or by contacting our office. If you are interested in watching a previous workshop, you may want to use our videos or audiovisual materials. Handouts are also available. Video workshops are available to anyone with an email address here.


Plan your own Workshop

If you would like to plan your own workshop, you can borrow our videos and sample handouts to plan a workshop for your residence hall or social club. Using the video along with a panel of experienced students is an exceptional way to answer questions and offer help in an informal setting.

Video Workshops

If the workshop days and times do not fit well with your schedule, you may want to use our videos or audiovisual materials. Handouts are also available.

Video workshops are available to anyone with an email address. Please click here to access the videos!

Learning Styles
Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4

Time Management
Parts 1, 2, and 3

Note Taking

Textbook Reading
Parts 1 and 2

Test Taking
Parts 1, 2, 3, and 4